In this article, we will be using Virtual Box for our virtualization. There are many virtualization tools that you can download, such as VMWare Fusion, Parallels Desktop, and VirtualBox. Virtualization is the process of running an operating system within another running system. However, today we will focus solely on using virtualization to run Windows 11 on a Mac.

There are several ways you can run other operating systems on a Mac computer. By installing a virtual Windows 11 on your Mac, you can test your software’s compatibility with Windows as much as you want. However, a problem occurs when it is time to test their programs on a Windows 11 OS. Plenty of software developers prefer working on a Mac rather than a Windows computer. Test Your Program’s Windows Compatibility: This one mainly applies to software developers.Installing a virtual Windows 11 on your Mac computer is a cheaper and easier alternative than buying a new computer just to test the Windows operating system. Get a Feel of the Other Side of the Fence: If you have spent your whole life using a Mac computer, then pretty sure you will sooner or later get curious to know how a Windows computer feels like.

However, if that is impossible, installing Windows 11 on your Mac may be the only option. In some instances, you can use third-party applications to force these programs to work on a Mac.

See " About VirtualBox" for an introduction. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3. VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. VM VirtualBox, its high performance, cross-platform virtualization software. Oracle today released a significant new version of Oracle Oracle today released a 6.1 maintenance release which improves stability and fixes regressions. Oracle today released a 7.0 maintenance release which improves stability and fixes regressions.